While attending school, a group of naturopathic medical students wanted creative and hands-on experiences to seek truth about medicine and its relationship to our planet.

From one simple idea, a set of retreats were created. 

Our Mission

Revival Retreats Association is about embodied naturopathic education. Our mission is to promote and facilitate experiential education in vitalism. We achieve our mission through nature cure-oriented retreats.

Our Vision

Revival Retreats Association cares about all beings. Our vision is to cultivate an intimate connection with nature as a foundational principle in healing. We realize this through: 

  • generational exchange of enthusiasm and wisdom

  • empowerment through experiential naturopathic education

  • merging of the practice of traditional and innovative therapies

  • providing the opportunity for self-nourishment

  • fostering professional inclusivity, inspiration, and solidarity

The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore, the physician must come from nature, with an open mind.
— Paracelsus, 1491 - 1541

What we have achieved

  • We are looking for additional financial support to help give us greater financial stability.  See our annual report!